; Name, Width, Height. ; Credits line. ; Registration code (if you have it). ; Optional URL link when the applet is "clicked". ; Reglink opened in new frame ? ; Name of new frame for reglink. ; Statusbar message. ; Clock mode ("3d","2d","old") ; Background image name (or "no") ; Horizontal position for the clock ; Vertical position for the clock ; Horizontally centered (yes/no) ; Vertically centered (yes/no) ; Foreground color (clock color) ; Background color ; Shadow ("yes","no") for 2d and old clocks ; Shadow color for 2d and old clocks ;font ; 12h (am and pm) or 24h mode ("12","24") for 2d and 3d clocks ;bold ; Virtual distance between the screen and the 3d clock. ; The distance between pixels of the 3d clock. ; Angle between pixels of the 3d clock. ; Radius of circle for the 3d clock. ; The speed of rotation around the x-axis for the 3d clock. ; The speed of rotation around the y-axis for the 3d clock. ; The speed of rotation around the z-axis for the 3d clock. ; The initial angle of rotation around the x-axis for the 3d clock. ; The initial angle of rotation around the y-axis for the 3d clock. ; The initial angle of rotation around the z-axis for the 3d clock. ; Stop the animation on applet click (yes, no) on clock 3d. ; Clock2d font name ; Clock2d font style ("plain", "bold", "italic", "bolditalic") ; Clock2d font size ; Clock2d day number display ("yes","no") ; Clock2d day name display ("yes","no") ; Clock2d month display ("no","number","name") ; Clock2d year display ("no","4digit","2digit") ; Clock2d hour display (yes/no) ; Clock2d minutes display (yes/no) ; Clock2d seconds display (yes/no) ; Clock2d order 1 display ("daymonth","monthday") ; Clock2d order 2 display ("datehour","hourdate") ; Clock2d Separator string between time digits ; Old clock ticks display (yes/no) ; Old clock radius size ; Memory deallocation delay. ; Task priority (1..10). ; Min. milliseconds/frame for sync. Sorry, your browser doesn't support Java. ; Message for no java browsers. Please download Java(tm).

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